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Emphasis in phonemes

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 8:48 pm
by BobN

I'm running TA4038 on W10, with Microsoft Hazel as usual voice.

I'm not hearing any difference when I use the S1 tag in the phoneme helper. For example, the second syllable should be emphasized in the word "facade" : F AH S1 S AH D S1. I cannot hear any difference, with or without the "S1" tags. I've also tried placing the tags in various other positions, with no noticeable result.

Nor does using "S2" around the first syllable change anything.

Any ideas?

Re: Emphasis in phonemes

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 11:07 am
by Jim Bretti
In general we have found that voices that support sapi5 phonemes don't support placing emphasis very well. About the only thing I know of you can do is try varying the placement of the tag, which you have already tried. One other possibility would be to try using the 'syllable break' character (a period) in your phoneme string, its probably a longshot but maybe it will help.

Sorry I don't know of a good answer for this.

Re: Emphasis in phonemes

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 3:49 pm
by PHenry1026
A few comments on your use of /F AH S1 S AH D S1/ to phonetically respell facade".

1. In general, voices that support sapi5 phonemes support placing emphasis very well.

2. Your phonetic respelling of facade is not correct:

If Microsoft Hazel allows pronunciation when S1 is included in phoneme set use: F AX S AA D S1

If Microsoft Hazel does not allow pronunciation when S1 is included in phoneme set use: F AX S AA D

Most people will not able to tell the difference between /F AX S AA D S1/ and /F AX S AA D/: the reason being is that AX is a weak vowel and AA is a strong vowel (A strong vowel will be emphasized over a weak vowel).

3. Using two primary stresses (S1) cancels out each other. Use of multiple primary stresses is seen mostly in Chinese words.


I am currently using TextAloud Version This version of TextAloud does not recognize S1 as valid and gives the error message - Speech Error: SSML input not valid; cannot find 'speak' element. It is also unable to give audible output for F AX S AA D when using Microsoft Hazel.

However I was able to get an audible output for F AX S AA D when using AT&T Audrey (a UK voice).
