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Long delay before speaking begins

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:58 pm
by Jim Bretti
In TextAloud 3 there can be a very long delay between pressing the speak button and when speaking actually begins. The problem typically has to do with large articles combined with lots of text processing to perform before speaking begins. The processing happening here is mostly applying pronunciation dictionary entries and inserting automatic pauses.

The best way to work around this problem for now is to use the File Splitter utility, under the Tools menu, when loading large articles into TextAloud. The file splitter gives you the option of writing split files to text files or loading the splits directly into TextAloud articles.

Keeping the article size down can help a great deal with this problem. If you want to speak the entire document, you can then use "Speak All Articles Aloud" (under the speak menu), instead of speaking large articles individually.

In addition, deleting or disabling unnecessary pronunciation dictionaries / dictionary entries may help.