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Transfering Old Settings To A New Computer

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 1:03 am
by Fret44
I'm upgrading to a new computer. But I've got TextAloud set up exactly as I want it on my old computer.

I know how to back up my dictionaries and transfer them. But there are a lot of other things too.

Is there any way I can transfer the old settings to the new computer?

Or will I have to sit down and painstakingly recreate my old settings on the new computer?

Re: Transfering Old Settings To A New Computer

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:48 pm
by Jim Bretti
There is no built in way to copy settings to a new machine. You can get some of the settings (keyboard shortcuts, toolbar customizations, hotkey definitions) transferred by following these instructions:

1. Run TextAloud on both machines
2. On both machines, click Help -> Open Data Folder
3. Leave the folder open, and exit TextAloud on both systems.

Then, copy these files from the old system to the new one:


Getting the remaining settings copied over requires familiarity with the RegEdit utility. On the old system, export the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\NextUpTech\TextAloud3, and import on the new system. (Make sure TextAloud is not running on the new system when the new settings are imported). You'll need to be on the lookout for places where directories, such as your audio output directory, are saved in the registry. You may run into errors if file paths do not match up.

This is more work than it needs to be, we'll try to make this easier in future versions.

Re: Transfering Old Settings To A New Computer

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 3:28 am
by Fret44
Thanks! That should hopefully get me most of the distance.