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Request for additional batch audio file tag

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 7:56 pm
by Brian64
Hi Jim,

Is it possible to request an additional audio file tag for use with batch audio conversions?

I would like the Album tag to reflect the title of the text file I am converting. Currently, for a multi chapter story the %title% tag doesn't really work, as the album title would reflect each chapter as 'Storyname_001', 'Storyname_002' instead of 'Storyname' (or presumably '001_Storyname' if the file split numbering were set as the prefix - something I've never tried)

I guess what I'm looking for is a tag that replicates the 'base output name' from the file splitter dialog, though obviously the file splitter and batch converter tools are separate.

Is there a relatively easy way of converting the current %title% tag to peel off any number suffixes (or prefixes), or adding a new tag that does so?



Re: Request for additional batch audio file tag

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:18 pm
by Jim Bretti
I added a new tag to the latest version of TextAloud that may help with this. The new tag is called %BaseTitle%. So %BaseTitle% will act exactly like %Title%, except that %BaseTitle% will strip away any leading / trailing sequence numbers from the title.

You can download the update at

Give it a try when you can and let me know if you run into any problems with it.