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Handling word breaks at the end of a line

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:11 am
by Jim Bretti
It is possible to run into pronunciation problems with words divided by a hyphen at the end of a line. For example,


If your voices have trouble pronouncing words like this, you can handle the problem with a TextAloud pronunciation dictionary entry. In Pronunciation Dictionary Maintenance, under the Tools menu, add a new dictionary entry. Set the Text Matching dropdown to "Regular Expression", and the Pronounce Using dropdown to "Respell", then set the fields like this:

Regular Expression:


The regular expression scans text for the pattern of an alpha character (\w) followed by a hyphen, newline (\R) and another alpha character. In the Respell field, $1 and $2 reference whatever is matched in parentheses pairs 1 and 2. So the respelling just eliminates the hyphen and newline characters.