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Pronouncing logical symbols != , <= , >= , ==, =, as C++

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 1:19 am
by rtrumbore
How do I get TA to speak "!=" , "<=" , ">=" as shown below.

!= "is not equal to"
<= "is less than or equal to"
>= "is greater than or equal to"
== "is equal to"
= "is assigned the value"

It's the standalone equal sign that is gliching the other strings such as <= and >=

5 >= 7 says "5 greater than is assigned the value 7"
9 <= 17 says "9 is assigned the value 17"



Re: Pronouncing logical symbols != , <= , >= , ==, =, as C++

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:21 am
by Jim Bretti
Hi Richard,

If you create pronunciation dictionary entries for those 5 entries, exactly in the order you have them, I think it should work. You should only need to make sure the Equal entry is processed last, and it will not overwrite the equals symbol in the previous entries. If its not working, make sure your your 'less than or equal' and 'greater than or equal' dictionary entries are really matching. You could disable the other 3 entries, and make sure the <= and >= entries work by themselves.

Let me know if this doesn't help