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Feature request: Switch between archives

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 9:40 am
by actxc
I would like to suggest a new feature:
Switch between archives.
I work on a number of e-learning projects, and I have a high number of articles in TextAloud (600) .
Its getting difficult to find them.
I need to easily switch to an older project and do changes or copy some text.
Then switch back to the actual project.
The target folder for saving the voice file should be defined in the object of an archive.
It needs some functions inside ot managing articles/archives like:
duplicate articles, sort/find/select/save/import articles/archives by name/date/tags/category

How can I support such development?

Re: Feature request: Switch between archives

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:30 pm
by Jim Bretti
We'll need to look at adding support for this in future versions of TextAloud. In the meantime, you might be able to accomplish some of this manually. If you click Help -> Open Data Folder from the TextAloud menu, you'll see an Archive folder there. As long as TextAloud is idle, you should be able to replace the folder while TextAloud is running. So you could keep multiple archive folders in some other folder, and move/restore TextAloud's Archive folder as needed. I don't see any reason why this wouldn't work, but If you do this, I'd keep regular backups of the Articles / Archive folder just in case.

I don't know if that makes things any easier, but it is the only short term solution I can think of.