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Delete Button right next to Speak Button is there a way to separate them

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 6:59 pm
by rogermack50
I can't tell you how many times that I have typed out a long message and Hit the Delete Button instead of the Speak Button which as you can see are right next to each other in Text Aloud 3...Very frustrating, it is tough enough having no voice and having to type as fast as possible to try to keep up with a conversation, only to have it Deleted by accident by hitting the Delete button instead of the Speak button...they need to be separated by at least a couple of buttons...A detailed explanation on how to move the buttons apart would be helpful...I am talking about Buttons, not keyboard shortcuts...I tried to insert a image but apparently that doesnt work on this forum..

Re: Delete Button right next to Speak Button is there a way to separate them

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:35 am
by Jim Bretti
Here are a couple ideas. It partly depends on if you have Screen Reader Compatibilty Mode turned on (under the View menu).

First, the Delete and Speak buttons are actually on separate toolbars. The toolbar containing the Speak button has a 'grip', immediately to the left of the speak button. You can grab the grip (left click the grip and hold your mouse down), and slide the toolbar away from the toolbar containing the Delete button. If you can get some separation between the two toolbars it may solve the problem. You should be able to do this with or without screen reader compatibility enabled.

This second solution only works if screen reader compatibility mode is *not* enabled. Right click anywhere on the toolbar and in the popup displayed click "Customize". While the customizing dialog is displayed, left click the delete button and hold your mouse down. Now you can slide the Delete button around, and place it anywhere you want. You can even move it off the toolbar completely. If anything goes wrong while you're performing this customization, you can always get the toolbars back to their original configuration by exiting the customizing dialog, and from the TextAloud menu click View -> Toolbar Options -> Reset Toolbars.