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End of line pauses

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 2:09 pm
by HappyCustomer
Great product!

I have been using NextUp for years and years.
This is without question the best value software that I have ever bought, I use it all the time and there has never been
any ongoing charges. Amazing! I keep upgrading to new computers and there is no problem. Most of the other software
that I have bought is rarely if ever used.

NextUp has made an immense difference in my academic work. Before I had NextUp software I had a great struggle reading
through chapters in my textbooks. My family has a known problem with language difficulties, though nothing was ever done
to help with solving the problem; only criticisms were given. With NextUp, there is no problem making it through a chapter.
I just copy and paste chapters and it's automatic. I contacted my online university about their program to convert to etexts
and they did not appear to be aware of how effective speech synthesis can be for those who struggle with text. Considering
how much money is spent on education, it probably should be mandated that all course materials are provided in a speech
synthesis friendly format. Such a policy would have little or no cost to implement.

My question is: how to stop the pauses at the end of each line?
When I copied and pasted a pdf into NextUp, there is a pause at the end of each line. This is annoying. I do not want a pause
at the end of each line only at the end of each sentence. The lines in the pdf are fairly short so there are quite a few pauses.
The only way I can see around this problem is write a software program that writes sentences that fill the entire line of the
NextUp text editor.

Great Job everyone!

Re: End of line pauses

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 10:58 am
by Jim Bretti
Glad to hear TextAloud is working well for you!

On the problem with voices pausing at end of line, this is something we see with some voices. The only solution we know of is to strip the newline characters from the text. There is a post at viewtopic.php?f=15&t=6934 with instructions on how to do this in TextAloud 3.

In TextAloud 4, we added a feature called 'Speaking Rules' to make these kinds of problems easier to handle. So in TextAloud 4, there is a rule you can enable to filter newline characters.